Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chase won a bike!

A few weeks ago I came home to find out that Chase had WON a new bike from a drawing they had at his school. The kids had to read and mark off boxes for every 15 minutes they read. We have the kids read for 30 minutes a day so he racked up quite a lot of "miles". Apparently enough to be one of only 2 kids in his school to win a bike. He also won a cool new helmet. He was beaming with pride. What a great day for him!!


Jenn said...

Don't you love it when they get cool free stuff...we have only accumulated plastic rubbery thingys so far...

Crazy Dunbar Crew said...

he is really growing up! he looks so happy with his new bike!

Cozy Blue Photography said...

Dude, I know! I love how his ears stick out of his helmet. I've always loved his ears. :O)

Cozy Blue Photography said...

Plastic rubbery things?? :O) LOL!! That's funny. I was so surprised he won the bike, so was he. He didn't even hear his name when they announced it on the intercom...the other kids in his class were like, Chase, You won!! :O)